UX Designer


During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was thankfully allowed to work from home in order to protect myself and those around me. While at home, there may have been moments of delirium (being stuck in the same 4 walls for days can do that to you)!

I decided to write haikus depending on any inspiration I found around me. It first started as a game to enjoyably pass the time but now, it’s bought a sense of comfort - a feeling that hasn’t been experienced since March 2020.

While there is hope, both with the vaccines and the decrease of numbers, we still have a bit more to go. So as we approach a new normal, please enjoy these haikus that helped ground me.

If you have any haiku ideas for me, send them my way. I’m always looking for muses :)


Covid, you monster
I don’t like to be at home
Please go away now
— Initial Plea
Yearning for the past
Crippling fear for the future
Embrace the present
— Acceptance
Beauty, skill and grace
Admire the dedication
Her name is your name
— Self Love
Fire engulfs my lungs
Leaves behind a sense of calm
Soothe me for the night
— Floral Blaze
Are we? Are we not?
Unearth your thoughts and secrets
Confusion plagues me
— Online Dating
Rich, golden water
My Jameson elixir
Sweet simmering burn
— Triple Distilled
Laughter fills the air
Two souls converge together
Attain complete bliss
— First Date
Possess my senses
So all I can feel is you
My gift in this world
— Love
Capture the essence
When the ocean meets the land
Full serenity
— Crash
All these new changes
Emotional exhaustion
Am I obsolete?
— Millennials
Silence your hatred
Heart and soul will not abide
Integrate as one
— Human Beings
I am just a girl
Asking a senior UX
What I need to do
— 9 AM on a Monday
Fatigue runs bone deep
Productivity is low
I have no desire
— November 2020
Succulent guava
Island burst of energy
Juices flow through me
— Happy Hour
Endless applying
Hoping they can see how much
I have to offer
— Job Search